Auction News

Items available from the Auction Manager

In this section of the website you will find lists of material currently available from the Auction Manager. This will include future auction catalogues as well as lists of unsold items from the previous auction. Where other material is available in good quantity and / or completeness this will also be listed.

Future Auctions

The 2024 auction programme continues on these dates:

Kevin Chard
Auction Manager

July 2024 Auction - unsolds

The list of unsold lots from our July Auction is here. Lots can be purchased at reserve. Offers may be accepted. Deadline is end of July. All bids and offers will then be processed and distributed early August. Bids and offers, ideally by email, to or by post to 27 Battle Close, Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO31 7ZF.

July auction star items here

August 2024 Auction

The auction catalogue may be viewed and downloaded here.

Postal bids (members only) should be sent to the Auction Manager, ideally by email, to or by post to 27 Battle Close, Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO31 7ZF.

GB First Day Covers

The Society has a quantity of Royal Mail FDCs available for purchase on an individual cover basis.

Earlier covers are available and wants lists will be accepted.

Guide prices for covers are 50p each for covers with CV up to £5, rising to £1 for those CV up to £10 and £1.50 beyond that (all based on 2019 Concise). This is the single cover price. Bulk purchases will receive a discount. All offers will be considered. Contact Kevin Chard, Auction Manager.

Material for future auctions

If you have any material for auction, require guidance or further information, please contact Auction Manager .

Commission is charged on sales to cover the costs involved in running the Auction. Commission for Members is 10%.

Non-members wishing to sell via our Auctions will need to become Full or Associate Members of the Society. The Associate Members fee is collected from Auction proceeds in the form of additional commission.

Currently we are unable to store material for future auctions. Instead, please send a list of items to the Auction Manager (ideally in an electronic format, see below) and we will contact you when we are able to list and accept material.

Form for entering lots for future Auctions

The auction manager has supplied a form in the format of a spreadsheet on which vendors may list lots for our upcoming auctions. You may download the form if you are comfortable completing a Microsoft XLSX spread sheet.

Form to list lots for the auction

Please enter your name and contact details and then enter lots by category, description and reserve in GB£. When complete, please email the form to .


Latest update 17th July 2024

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